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There's no 100% proof as such. Cancer is a multifactorial condition, i.e. it not caused by a single factor, e.g. smoking, but by a combination of factors. The medical consensus, along with that of Tobacco Control, is that smoking is the major factor for lung cancer. However, this was based on unreliable, imprecise, inaccurate, biased epidemiological studies mainly performed half a decade ago.

Today, the emphasis of 'scientific' studies is switching to other lifestyle choices. So expect more of "alcohol/obesity/sunbathing/sex/cellphones/Facebook.... causes cancer".

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Q: What are the scientific prof that tobacco really caused cancer?
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How is tobacco bad for your health?

its really really bad, because it could cause lung cancer

What is the scientific name of the disease colon caner?

I think you mean colon cancer, but there isn't really a scientific name for it colon cancer is short for colorectal cancer.

Can drinking an alcoholic beverage cause mutation that leads to cancer?

Drinking beer and other types of alcohol can increase the risk of having cancer. Mouth, larynx, and pharynx cancer can all be caused by drinking alcohol.

Do different brands of cigarettes contain variant levels of cancer causing agents or are they all equally unhealthy?

There is really no way to remove the cancer causing agents from tobacco and still have tobacco. They are all generally the same when it comes to the chemicals they contain.

What does chewing tobacco do to you?

Gum cancer, yellow teeth, teeth fall out, and more.

What part of the body does tobacco smoke paralyze and kill?

Tobacco kills the lung region of the body. If you take the lungs of a person that doesn't smoke and then compare them to the lungs of someone who does smoke then you will see a big noticable difference. the lungs of the smoker will be alot darker and have tar built up all over them. Tobacco also tears away at your throat and can cause throat cancer. tobacco can hurt your taste buds and make your taste not as good. and just a tip: tobacco really causes and bad odor on the breath, hair, and clothes. If you are a non smoker than you really should not start smoking. It really is not a good idea and kills quickly. You have a 1 out of 10 chance of getting cancer if you smoke. - Ashley barba

Other nams for tobacco?

dee dee is one. smokers delight is one. and if you are looking for scientific names..................... there isnt really an easy answer to that......................

Is cancer caused by bone spurs?

Nobody really knows what causes cancer, but probably not bone spurs. They are fairly common and most people only have pain and inflammation from them.

How do you know if you have cancer if you know it's caused by stress and depression and you are really depressed and stressed?

Cancer is not caused by depression and stress. No one knows exactly what causes cancer cells to 'turn on'. Depression and stress can, however, exacerbate any illness. Best to see a doctor for a full checkup and get a referral for treatment for the stress and depression.

Which is worst chewing tobacco or dip?

One is really no better than the other. Smoking can be a major contributor to lung and throat cancer as well as many other associated health problems that can certainly contribute to a shortened life. Use of dipping tobacco can be a major contributor to cancer within the mouth area. I have seen people that used dipping tobacco that developed mouth cancer and wound up having to have their entire lower jaw removed. Their face, suffice it to say, looks horrible without a lower jaw. Dipping also causes your teeth and gums to look discolored and rotten. So if you smoke or use dipping tobacco you should stop. Immediately.

Can groin pain be caused by testicular cancer?

When your balls get stuck to your legs and pull hairs also its a nerve thing

Lung cancer caused by nicotine and tar?

Lung cancer is strongly associated with tobacco smoke, which contains harmful substances like nicotine and tar. Nicotine is an addictive compound found in tobacco that can cause cells to divide and grow, contributing to the development of cancer. Tar, on the other hand, is a sticky substance in tobacco smoke that contains numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) which can damage lung cells and their DNA, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors. When tobacco is smoked, these harmful components are inhaled into the lungs. Over time, repeated exposure to these toxins can lead to mutations in lung cells, causing them to become cancerous. It's important to note that not all individuals who smoke will develop lung cancer, but the risk is significantly increased among smokers. Additionally, exposure to secondhand smoke and other environmental pollutants can also contribute to the development of lung cancer. Apart from smoking, there are other risk factors for lung cancer, such as exposure to radon gas, asbestos, certain chemicals, and a family history of lung cancer. It's crucial to prioritize lung health by avoiding tobacco use, minimizing exposure to environmental toxins, and seeking regular medical check-ups, especially if you have risk factors. If you have concerns about lung cancer or are at risk, consult a healthcare professional for guidance and appropriate screenings.