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None, she can give consent to sex from the age of 16 in Indiana.

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Q: What are the repercussions of a 17 year old girl and a 21 year old boy under the Indiana law?
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If a 15 year old girl gets pregnant by a 19 year old man can the man get in legal trouble in Indiana?

Yes. She is under the age of consent for sexual activity, which is 16 in Indiana. In this case under Indiana Code 35-42-4-9 it would be sexual misconduct with a minor, a Class C felony.

If a 15 year old girl is pregnant by a 16 year old boyfriend could the 16 year old boyfriend be in trouble in the state of Indiana?

Both are under 18, there may be no basis for a crime here.

If a 19 year old guys gets a 16 year old girl pregnant is it illegal in Indiana?


Can a 20 year old boy date a 17 year old girl in Indiana 2013?

Yes if the parents agree since there are no laws for dating. Age of consent is 16 in Indiana so sex is legal.

In Indinana can a 17 year old girl date a 23 year old guy?

The age of consent in Indiana is 16. There is no problem dating.

Can a 16 year old girl get emancipated if they're pregnant in Indiana?

{| |- | No Indiana does not have an emancipation statute. You are not emancipated just because you are pregnant. Being a parent under the age of majority does not change that. However, the minor does have rights when it comes to the child and should contact social services in their community to discuss their options. |}

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You can if you want to do so, but repercussions could include being uncomfortable, dirty, getting infections, and possibly being humiliated if your peers find out.

What if a 17 year old Indiana child runs away to Illinois and becomes a resident of Illinois is the minor still under Indiana law?

Just wait until your 18...

Is it illegal for a 16 year old girl to date a 25 year old boy in Indiana?

There are no laws about dating. However, there are laws about sexual activity. The age of consent in Indiana is 17, so there could be problems if they do more than hold hands.

What are the repercussions is any of eating chocolate bars that have expired a year a go?

you get chocolate that tastes a year older than chocolate that you would have bought a year after that

How many tornadoes happen a year in Indiana?

It varies from year to year, but on average Indiana gets 24 tornadoes annually.

Indiana law- is it illegal for a 16 year old girl and a 19 year old boy to date?

If by date you mean just be around each other, then no! I live in Indiana and it's not illegal ANYWHERE to date someone. If you mean have sex at that age, it's not illegal either. In Indiana (and most states) the legal age of consent is 14. if you are any younger, and you have sex (even if the person you have sex with is under 14, too) it can be considered statuatory rape. even if you and your partner both agreed to it. the parents can file for rape charges.