That alcoholics are powerless over alcohol and must rely on God (or other Higher Power) to deliver them from their otherwise hopeless condition. Its success rate is about 5% after one year of attendance. This is less than the natural remission (or cure) rate found by the United States government's National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Fortunately, there are successful alternatives.
The principles of the AA program are based on the 12 Steps, which include admitting powerlessness over alcohol, seeking help from a higher power, taking a moral inventory, making amends for past wrongs, and helping others in recovery. These principles emphasize personal responsibility, spiritual growth, self-reflection, and community support as key components of the recovery process.
To enroll in the AA Advantage program, visit a local office of AA and speak to an agent. Or, check out the AA website, as most likely one can enroll online instead of going to an office.
There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.There are a few possibilities, AA, AS, or AAS, depending in the type of program the student completed.
The main benefits of becoming a member of AA's AAdavantage program is the frequent flyer points that can be earned. It is a loyalty program launched in 1981.
If the AA was in a transferable program (AA degrees usually are), you are within the same program of study, and the receiving college or university takes the degree full faith in credit, it should take two additional years.
go to a community college
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AA and the twelve step program
There are the Assisted Recovery Centers of America who don't use the 12 step program that AA does. There
It all depends on the individual. Some individuals are able to stay sober by only attending AA meeting while that is enough for others. If you are still feeling tempted after going to AA meetings you should go to a residential program.
The AA is an associate of arts degree. The student receives a diploma (the designed paper with school seal) validating completion of the program of study.
If your AA was a transfer program (typically an AA is), and you remain in the same major or field of study, then it should take an additional two years - as a full-time student - to complete the bachelor's degree.