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The odds are high, but not quantifiable. Use a back up method of Birth Control pills for at least seven days. Consider other options that have a lower risk of error.

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Q: What are the odds of getting pregnant staring your pills 3 days late?
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Can you be pregnant if you missed ten days worth of pills and then restarted taking your pill?

If you had sex within those ten days, then yes. Missing even one can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

If You stopped taking your birth control pills about 3 days ago and have a horrible headache are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant it is your body getting used to your birth control getting out of your system, but you can find out for sure about pregnancy by taking a test to be sure, but more than likely you are not pregnant.

If you stop taking birth control after only two days of using it does it change your cycle and your ovulaton days?

Yes it can, but not for long. Birth control pills have hormones in them. Also after quitting birth control pills/patches you have a higher risk of getting pregnant!

Is it possible to be pregnant after taking 5 of the sugar pills and haven't gotten a period?

Yes. The birth control pill does not work perfectly, and it's possible to get pregnant even when using it perfectly. However, being five days into the placebo pills and not getting a period doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. As long as you followed the program all the other days of the month you should be fine. The sugar pills are just to help you keep on track with your habit of taking the pills.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you restarted the pill two days late after your period and have been having unprotected sex?

Hi there, There is a slim chance of getting pregnant because you missed two pills. Because you missed some pills your next period will probably arrive two days later than normal for you. This is to be expected. But if you suspect pregnancy go to your doctor for a blood test. :-)

Can you get pregnant if you forgot your take your pills for 5 days?

Yes! You can get pregnant while taking the pill daily as well. However, the chances of getting pregnant after forgetting the pill for 5 days are much higher. You may also get your period and should start over with a fresh pack.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant when one has just started taking pills?

Depending on which pill you're put on and when in your cycle you start taking it, you will probably need 7 pills in 7 days before it is fully effective.

Can you get pregnant 2 days after you stop taking birth control pills?

Yes. You can get pregnant WHILE you are on birth control.

What if your girlfriend is late taking her birth control pills multiple days in a row?

If your girlfriend is late taking her birth control pills multiple days in a row there wouldn't be such a worry as her getting pregnant but she may start spotting because of the inconsistencies with the times of her taking the pills. The pills should be in her system by then. Unless, it's her very first pack of pills and she's in that first seven days. If that's the case, you guys should use backup protection to be safe.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you don't start taking your next pack of pills within 7 days and you have unprotected sex?

The same as every other woman who is not using birth control - about 30%.

Can you still get pregnant if you take two pills in the morning and then another one the same day?

Im assuming you are taking all these pills in one day because you skipped them on their appropriate days. If so, then yes, there is a possibility that you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex on one of those days.

Can you still be pregnant after taking 5 birth control pills?

Birth control pills wont make you abort. if you are pregnant you can take Plan B 1-5 days after sex to prevent the pregnancy and if you are pregnant and want to abort you have to go to a doctor.