NO. It is too soon. Symptoms show up as the hormones kick in and that usually takes 3-4 weeks.
you could be but most likely not. pregnancy symptoms are so common and sometimes mock pre menstrual symptoms (pms). you should get a positive result on a pregnancy test by now if you are.
The Merina and other hormone secreting IUD's can have some symptoms of early pregnancy, if your period is 7 days late call your doctor.
No, pregnancy symptoms don't start that early. No, pregnancy symptoms don't start that early. They don't start until you are about about 6-8weeks or more sometimes even later, but not that early, your body hasn't had time to start changing yet.
Yes. You should wait around 14 to 16 days after sex to take a home pregnancy test.
You may not experience any pregnancy symptoms this early. However some women do experience symptoms as soon as 3 days after conception so it is possible. Usually you would experience tiredness, urinating more often, tender breasts or nipples, changes in aerola or eating pattern changes and tummy cramping. These can also be approaching period symptoms.
I have had 4 inseminations and still am not pregnant. My doctor tells me that pregnancy symptoms will be the same as anyone else's pregnancy symptoms. So, I would take a blood pregnancy test 14 days post insemination at your doctor's office as it measures the smallest amount of HCG in your system.
Early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes happen before a missed period and before a positive pregnancy test. Especially the 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks pregnant signs. Early pregnancy symptoms and signs are usually related to the pregnancy hormone hCG or "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin" which is responsible for pregnancy signs. Even though hCG is usually not detectable in large number until after a missed menstrual period, there are many women who report having typical pregnancy symptoms even before they miss their period. There are early detection pregnancy tests available that can confirm pregnancy as early as 6 - 8 days after conception has occurred (well before a missed period).
It is highly unlikely that there will be any symptoms at all three days after conception.
For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.
It is unlikely that you would be having pregnancy symptoms a week and a half before your expected period because that would be only a few days after concieving.
Three days after sex would be too early for most pregnancy symptoms to begin (eg. sickness, dizziness) however brown discharge could be a sign of implantation (where the fertilised egg implants in the uterus lining). I suggest taking a pregnancy test in 3 weeks time
Pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person. Some people experience no symptoms at all before a missed period. Some women experience symptoms such as fatigue, nausea or breast tenderness. Pay attention to your body, and take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period.