Worlds best 5 android and iphone mobile apps are :
Angry Birds
Air flight Control - Android (not avail on iOS, releasing on iphone soon)
Ant Smasher
Bird Hunting - Android (not avail on iOS, releasing on iphone soon)
Air Control
The most common smartphone apps are Video Games. Those are the apps that sell the most as well as the apps that are uploaded to the market the most commonly.
There are many useful web apps for smartphones. Some of the the most useful include Oracast, IBM, and the Slash web app, these allow for the most fluid and beneficial experience for your smartphone.
Smart phones have apps, but that's not all they have. Most have music, videos, and, of course, phone capabilities
Currently the iPhone has the largest app store, so it would have the most apps available. Android phones also have a lot of apps available.
PDA's are really becoming obsolete as smartphones are now taking over. Most smartphones are better than PDA's because most smartphones are able to have useful and fun apps downloaded on them and usually have more features in general than PDA's today.
Many smartphones have the ability to download apps from a marketplace. You will need to download an app that will allow you to scan, or photograph, a barcode. There are several apps that have this ability.
There are too many companies to count that make apps for smartphones. It would depend on what type of app you want in order to find the right company to build the app.
The most common forms of PDAs are Smartphones, palm PDAs and pocket PCs.
The most common video file formats supported by smartphones, including the popular 3gp format, are MP4, AVI, and MOV.
The National Journey Planner has apps that are available for Android and Apple Smartphones. These apps may be downloaded for free.
Many smartphones support GPS apps including the iPhone and tHe Blackberry. If your current phone does not support GPS apps, you can purchase a GPS receiver chip.
Yes, there are several apps available for a Blackberry that would function as a GPS. You can download these apps and more at
Most new Android or Smartphones containt GPS tracking. You can download one of many apps that will provide you with GPS. It is great for driving and eliminates the need of a GPS system. It can show you exactly where you are on the road.