Depends on the pistol- there are multiple designs. In the case of a semi-automatic, it will generally consists of the receiver (frame) barrel, lockwork, magazine and grips.
Frame barrel hammer
A place which carries parts for that pistol, presumably. We'd be happy to direct you to such a place, but we can't, since we have no idea what the make and model of your pistol is.
Frame barrel hammer
Depends on which parts, for which pistol. A good start would be your local gun shop. You may be able to order parts from the manufacturer, or Some parts can be installed by the maker, but are not sold to others because of the need for fitting.
Brownells gunsmith and Down East guns are two places to find parts for the pistol. You can also find parts at auction shops and local gun stores.
go on the computer and scan the words 'marksman air pistol' ...............
The Pistol and the Stamen are the reproductive parts of a flower. The Pistol is female and the Stamen is male.
I have a pistol but no magazine it is a fast eibar 380 9mm anyone have one
Possilble, but, not very likely