You shoul know about your girlfriend if you are going on a date with them.
The main questions prospective users have about Yahoo mail include - does the service support POP? How much storage do I get? Can I import my cellphone contacts?
A main one is always "why do you want to be drum major". I was asked that.
Jesus was asked a lot of questions by different people while he was on earth - (and I reckon that he has been and is being asked a lot more while he is in heaven!) But the main question that he was asked pertained to eternal life; like this one: "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" (Matthew 19.16)
There are tons of questions that are asked about how conflicts plays out in Hamlet. The main question would be why does it take Hamlet so long to get even.
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The main objective for a marriage based green card interview is to know the if the marriage was in good faith.The questions asked at a marriage based green card interview would be about specific details of the sponsor and the spouse. The date they met, how they got to know each other, the common financial data will be asked.The sponsor and spouse are supposed to be honest in their answers.Once the information given by the spouse is verified and checked for authenticity they pass the interview.
The main categories of information are education, past employment, hobbies and awards, experience and basic contact information. All other questions are usually asked in the interview.
I was asked if I could chair the committee.I'm glad I wasn't asked to do it.We had asked for a table by the window.They weren't asked to attend.You were asked to pick up your room.
What is for tea? What are the main ideas or arguments in this work?
A system that creates an interaction between the presenter and their audience. Mainly used by students answering questions put forth by the lecturer or by audiences answering personal questions or responding to a poll given or asked by the presenter.
In the United States, local newspapers would probably have the starting date of school after summer breaks. If you have questions about the starting date, you can call the school or the main office for your school district.
The assasination in Sarajevo - the excuse for starting the war. The first use of poison gas. The first use of tanks. There were many other 'main events', but you asked for three.