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if you eat a watermelon seed whole and then expose your belly button to sunlight for a few hours a day then a plant will sprout from your belly button. It won't hurt. I know this because I have done it before.

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Q: What are the little seeds in your belly button?
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Well, sweetheart, your belly button is called a belly button because it's literally a button-like scar left behind from where your umbilical cord was attached during fetal development. It's not winning any creativity awards, but hey, at least it's descriptive and to the point.

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A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.

Which side is your belly button on?

My belly button is located in the center of my abdomen.

How much does getting your belly button pirced hurt?

When you get your belly pierced its doesnt hurt at all. its hurts as much as a little pinch.

Belly button ring has a blackish scab help?

If your belly button ring has a blackish scab you may have torn it or pulled it a little on your clothing. As long as there is not discharge or redness, it isn't infected.