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Some of the original Herbalife weight loss products cantain the active ingredient Ma Huang or Sida Cordifolia, which is two herbs that cause a humans metabolism decrease slowly to help them loose weight efficiently. Some of the products have been declared illegal.

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Q: What are the ingredients in Herbalife products?
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Can we take herbalife products when we are taking rimstar 4 FDC PILLS?

The answer depends on the ingredients in the herbalife products. Contact you health care provider or pharamacist for information specific to your medications.

Side effects to herbalife?

Herbalife is a company that makes a variety of weight management, nutritional, and skin care products. The ingredients in each product vary, so side effects may also vary. Generally, herbal products have few side effects, but allergies to ingredients in the products could be a concern. To determine possible side effects for an individual, it is necessary to examine the ingredients in the different products. If any negative effects are experienced, stop using the product immediately.

Can Herbalife products give you a rash?

Yes! There are ingredients that can give you a rash around the neck & forehead if you use a lot and constantly.

What are the risk factors of the herbalife diet?

Herbalife is a brand of popular herbal weight loss supplements that uses stimulants and other questionable ingredients. Herbalife has been investigated by the FDA for claiming that some products dissolve and remove tumors, rejuvenate, increase circulation and produce mental alertness. Many Herbalife products contained notable amounts of ephedra. The FDA banned this ingredient in products because it linked ephedra to cardiac arrest and strokes in young and healthy individuals.Many Herbalife products contain caffeine as a metabolism booster. This stimulant can contribute to sleeplessness, nervousness, and restlessness.

What are some examples of Herbalife products?

Herbalife offers a variety of nutrition, weight management, and personal care products. Some examples include Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Herbalife Tea Concentrate, Herbal Aloe Concentrate, and Herbalife Protein Bars.

Is herbalife products approved by the fda?

No, the fda does not regulate food the same way it does drugs. Herbalife products are food.

Can a athletic sell herbalife product to his teammate?

An athlete can sell Herbalife products to his teammates. Herbalife supplements are sold by independent distributors across the globe. Selling to fellow teammates would not violate the terms and conditions related to the distribution of Herbalife products.

Is the product herbalife dangerous to drink?

No, HERBALIFE is not dangerous to drink. The developers of Herbalife are medical doctors and experts in the fields of health and nutrition. The only concern might be that you are allergic to an ingredient in the product, but that is something you should be concerned about with any product from any company. Reading the ingredients will let you know if the products contain anything that you know you are allergic to.

What type of products does Total Control sell?

The Herbalife company sells many different products. Total Control is one of Herbalife's best selling products that can easily be purchased on Amazon.

What is use of herbalife products?

Herbalife is a leader in developing the most advanced weight-management, nutritional and personal-care products. By combining the best of nature with advanced science, Herbalife is at the forefront of maximising personal health. The Herbalife range of quality products aims to provide the elements every body needs on a daily basis to maintain optimum health.

Which companies supply Herbalife products?

Herbalife has been promoting a healthy living program by selling Herbalife nutrition & weight management supplements, since 1980, to suit an individual's needs, providing customers with a Wellness Coach. Herbalife products are not available in retail outlets or auction web sites. Herbalife products only available via online Independent Distributors who recommend an appropriate individual Herbalife program. Herbalife's Independent Distributors give customers security with their money back guarantee as a member of the Direct Selling Association of Australia (DSAA)

What is herbalife kosher?

They currently have 7 kosher products.