Anything green; lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, etc.
Because healthier foods have less saturated fats, meaning that when eaten they do not turn into body fats. Also the 'healthier' foods like vegetables have more nutrients in, like a pure nutrient not artificial.
Vegetables are healthier! It has more iron, less sugars, and more fiber.
Although you cannot cure the HPV infection by diet you can control the symptoms by controlling what you eat. A vegan diet high in fruits and vegetables has shown great successes for an HPV infection.
Many people chew sunflower seeds or gum to get over smoking. To have healthier diet, be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables along with a varied diet.
The healthier you are, the healthier your cuticles will be. Eat a nutritious diet with foods high in protein, such as meats, nuts, and cheeses; whole grains; and fresh fruits and vegetables to help cuticles to grow strong and quick.
If you are not hungry - why eat ? I am confused about your question. If you are looking to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, then cut back on meats ( eat a portion about the size and thickness of the palm of your hand ) and make the balance of your meal vegetables.
Answer: Vegetarianism.Answer: A balance of meat and vegetables is healthier for the human race.
If a diet makes you constipated; it is a bad and unhealthy diet. What you can do is come off the diet and go back to 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. You may lose equal amounts of weight, or you may not lose equal amounts of weight. But, you will be healthier.
teens normally hate things like vegetables but it does do them good. if the parents of that teen would like them to eat it to than they can but vegetables also make teens a lot healthier for when they become an adult. but if the teenager does not want the healthy pyramid diet than they do not have to
There are many types of diet foods available to help a diabetic become healthier. Foods with high fiber and whole grains are excellent for a diabetic's diet plan. Fruits and vegetables are other types of food that help with a diabetics health.
The family fit diet is centered more on healthy eating for the family as opposed to dieting. It encourages incorporating healthier options into a meal. Some of the foods included are vegetables and lean meats.
When you eat just vegetables you are healthier than working out everyday causing unwanted stress to your body and causing you to heal slower and being sick more.