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Im pretty sure it is just part of the female bud it doesnt have much to do with the THC amounts as those are mainly in the crystals but im not the best person to answer this but i hoped i helped

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Q: What are the hairs on weed?
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How do you tell if it is a weed?

It stinks, it has hairs on it. And it has small white crystals called keif on it.

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They eat several unicellular organisms such as lean meats, celery bits, sea weed, human waste and hairs.

How do you determine how strong weed is before you buy it How do you make sure it is high quality?

There are a lot of good kinds of weed wich have unic names But you can never excactly know how good your weed is, but there are some things at wich you could see if the weed is good or bad quality for example: The colour of the weed is green as football grass, has a lot of what we in holland call thick brown hairs and has a lot of "powder" (THC) on it. There are also not suposed to be many leaves between the weed. Greetings from The Netherlands

Why do water weeds grow in water?

They do grow in water. They look like hairs with spikes on it. Go to google and try typing in "water weed". It should come out.

What is a stinging weed?

Also called 'Stinging Nettle,' this weed is a perennial that has stinging hairs on the stems and surface of the lower leaves. It's seeds are spread by the wind and its underground stems. It grows in clumps and can form large colonies.

How do you way out grams of weed?

they have small scales that way out grams and be for you weigh it out put a penny on the scale a penny weighs 2.5 grams also put a Peace of paper on the scale to make sure that no hairs get on the scale because if u get caught with a scale and they find crystals or hairs on it u can get caught with intent to deal (4-20)

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What is the name for nose hairs?

Nasal hairs

How many hairs do humans lose a day?

How many hairs do you lose in a day?Is 100 of hairs

What are the hairs of the bow made of?

Horse Tail hairs

How many rodent hairs are in jelly?

900,000,000,000,000 hairs

Can homegrown weed be in your urine?

Weed is weed. If you smoke homegrown weed you will come up positive for weed.