Number of credit inquiries, number of open accounts, length those accounts have been open, payment history, percentage of available credit...there are more, but those are 5 big ones.
One can calculate a Personal Credit Score using Credit Score Calculators found from various sources. These sources include: Trans Union, My Fico, Bank Rate, and other sources.
Score not available due to lack of credit history.
According to the FICO the highest possible credit score you can obtain is 850, but if you use another credit scoring formula Vantage Score the credit rating can go all the way up to 990. FICO is the mostly widely used
I suggest visiting for further research on this question. Basically, FICO takes an undisclosed amount of unspecified factors such as payment history, type and usage of credit, available limits and creates a mathematical score of risk.
good positive account history, public records, lates vs. no lates, hard inquiries, anything considered derogatory is considered negative. FICO use a secret formula to compute your credit score
One can calculate a Personal Credit Score using Credit Score Calculators found from various sources. These sources include: Trans Union, My Fico, Bank Rate, and other sources.
A FICO score is obtained with information taken from a person's available credit information. The score is sold by the FICO Company to interested financial institutions.
The Beacon version 5.0 is the formula which was created by FICO (Fair Isaac Company) and is used by Equifax to calculate a credit score. Considering that the average FICO score in the US is 680, your score would fall just below average.
No Fico is not the only credit score company. There are three major credit companies as well as Fico. Experian, Equifax and Trans-Union. Each one will give you a different credit score as well
The maximum credit score based on FICO is 850.
Credit bureaus don't make up a FICO score. FICO score are based on the information on a consumber's credit bureau file. There are 3 credit bureau's are: Equifax Trans Union Experian
Fico credit score can be found at MyFico. In there one can get information about his credit score as well as about his credit reports, all onine. The use of the site is for free.
would a credit score of 753 be considered a good credit score?
A 331 FICO score means in plain english---You have horrible credit. You can`t even get bubblegum on credit :P
yes, it will lower your FICO score.
FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, which is a company that calculates the credit score that most creditors use to determine your creditworthiness. So, your FICO score is a type of credit score. They use the information that each of the three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion) possess on each consumer, and they turn that information into your FICO score. However, there are many other companies, including the credit bureaus themselves, the create their own versions of your credit score, and these scores are often different than your FICO score, since they are not using the same mathematical calculations to come up with your score.