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The effects are the same as before you got your teeth cleaned

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Q: What are the effects of smoking marijuana after a deep cleaning of teeth?
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What are the physical side effects of smoking marijuana and having a blot clot?

you will have yellow teeth, bad skin and you will eventually die.

Does marijuana smoking turn teeth brown?

Any smoking will discolor teeth. There is more tar in marijuana smoke than tobacco smoke and tar will discolor your teeth, but, you could smoke marijuana once a week for 30 years, and you probably wouldn't really have any problems, the same cannot be said of smoking cigarettes. <anonv>

Does smoking marijuana prevent cavities?

Cigarettes don't really cause cavities if you have healthy teeth, but they can certainly speed up the process of getting one because the nicotine is absorbed in your mouth through the smoke while you are inhaling, whether or not you "direct inhale". Proof: The yellow and brown nicotine stains that are dominant in people who have smoked for a long time, and personal experience.

What are two harmful effects from smoking?

Harmful effects from smoking include: Lung cancer Emphysema Smoker's cough Staining of teeth Lip cancer Nicotine addiction

Does pot stain your teeth?

Yes marijuana can cause yellow stains on the teeth. To get rid of this you can try using Marvis Classic Strong Mint toothpaste.

Are there some physical side effects of smoking?

lung cancer, bad breath, bad teeth

What are some non physical effects of smoking?

Yellow Teeth, Bad Breath, and Wrinkles ect.

What does smoking a marijuana seed do?

It gives you a horrible taste in your mouth that tons of liquids cannot take away and smells AWFUL. If you are smoking a joint and come across one, you will be very, very sorry, and will want to immediately brush your teeth and tongue especially. If you are smoking a seed by itself, first of all why are you doing that, and second of all, lern2420. It is really not a pleasant experience at all to encounter a marijuana seed.

Can you smoke after using whiteing strips?

It is recommended to avoid smoking after using whitening strips as smoking can stain teeth and counteract the whitening effects. It is best to wait at least 24 hours after using whitening strips before smoking to maximize the results.

Deep teeth cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing

What are two immediate effects on smoking?

Your breath stinks and your teeth turn yellow or The heart rate heavily increases and the odour of cigarette smoke clings on the persons fingertips and breath for up to 9 hours.

What happens to your mouth and teeth when you smoke?

Smoking is dangerous for your overall health, but it definitely poses many threats to the mouth. Smoking not only causes bad breath, but it yellows teeth and can cause gun disease. Smoking also can kill the healthy bacteria in the mouth.