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well you will either be very sick and throw up or have to be escourted to a hospital if you are making a scene and apear in need of help, but you cant overdose on mushrooms, the other outcome which is very common with people doing too many mushrooms when then decide to do them is they will end up passing out and that's because there is too much activity going on in the body and it need to relax and shut down for a little bit to digest the poision.

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Q: What are the effects of overdosing on mushrooms?
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Can you jave a miscarriage on mushrooms?

Yes cause mushrooms "magic mushrooms" are a class of narcotic pain killers and the effects can cause pregnancy loss.

How long does it take to feel the effects of shrooms?

It generally takes fifteen minutes to an hour to feel the effects of ingested magic mushrooms. The time until effects are experienced depends on factors such as the dosage and whether or not the mushrooms were taken with food.

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Side effects , Overdosing on the prescribed amount. Basically when asking this question you have to take in a lot of variables

What are the immediate effects of mushrooms?

well, i depends if you are talking about the high, or negative after effects.. The High: you will begin to see colors morph into eachother, and even start hallucinating, the high will last about 4-5 hours if you take 1/8 of an ounce of good mushrooms The After Effects: you are basically poisoning your brain when you take mushrooms, but the kind of poison is very light, and unless you do alot of mushrooms (1/3 ounce or more) you should not have negative after effects unless you do them extremely often

What is the specific effect when you consume psilocybin mushrooms?

Psilocybin mushrooms, more commonly known as just "mushrooms" or "shrooms" are hallucinogens. Since there have been depictions of them in cave art, it is thought that shrooms have been used since prehistoric times. The effects of mushrooms can last anywhere from three to eight hours and depend on the person. Thirty minutes to an hour after taking mushrooms, sensory effects (such as seeing lights, images and objects that change color, feeling as if you're melting, or even synesthesia) set in. Finally, the emotional effects of mushrooms seem to vary depending on your environment. 4

Can you take diazepam with vicodin?

Carefully, as they compound the effects of each other. Please take less of each, to avoid accidentally overdosing.

Are there any negative effects of Ganoderma coffee?

No, there are not any side effects of Gano coffee. Not unless you are have allergric reactions to mushrooms.

Does marijuana affect the effects of psychedelic mushrooms?

Yes. Both marijuana and magic mushrooms are hallucinogens (marijuana is a very mild hallucinogen, though), so smoking marijuana while on magic mushrooms will enhance your high.

Would you get brain worms from snorting magic mushrooms?

No. I wouldn't snort magic mushrooms though, the likelihood of effects from that route of administration is low. Just eat them.

How fatal is overdosing on birth control?

Overdosing on birth control is uncomfortable, but not fatal.

Will alcohol make you stop tripping on mushrooms?

No, taking alcohol is not likely to abate the effects of magic mushrooms. Usually, the psychedelic effects overwhelm the depressant effects of alcohol, which are typically less noticeable than when not tripping. The psychedelic effects may be perceived to be reduced slightly, but alcohol would not stop the trip and return one to a normal mental state.