NO different than straight people. The only effect is on other people who do not like it and that would be THEIR problem!
Lesbianism requires no solution.
There shouldn't be any dangers for girls who desire girls. As with anything in life, the danger comes from ignorance and stupidity. Most now believe that two females should be able to live as a couple without interference from society.
No, very simple answer
It makes kids aware of that there are people out in the world that falls in love with the same gender and that they get used to it so the close mindedness stops. Kids who are homosexuals will see that they are not alone.
Love between to females
It had undertones of Lesbianism and helped women to transition away from an oppressive patriarchy to Lesbianism.
It is called lesbianism.
Lesbianism is not a disease or sickness and thus cannot be "cured". There are religious groups who believe otherwise, but their methods are questionable and often believed to do more harm than good.
similare lesbianism woman.