Men usually don't get pregnancy symptoms.
This early there are no symptoms.
If I am correct, men can get what they think are symptoms of pregnancy, but really they are just worried about there pregnant girlfriend or wife or partner... But literally, men can not get real symptoms of being pregnant because they are not female. hope this helped!!
2 weeks at the earliest
The same as for anybody else! 2 weeks after sex is the earliest pregnancy symptoms would appear. However, for most people they do not start getting symptoms until 4-6 weeks after sex.
That would be never. Men don't get pregnant.
It depends some as earl as 2 weeks others can go upto 3 months or more without symptoms.
Tiredness is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and some women do experience it as early as 3 weeks pregnant so yes, this is normal.
What is a timeline for pregnancy symptoms
Two weeks after sex is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test. It is also the earliest pregnancy symptoms would begin to start. However, it is recommended to leave it 3-4 weeks after sex before taking a test, just to make sure the result is reliable.
If you get pregnancy symptoms, take a pregnancy test
The earliest detecting test is one by 'First Response' which is approx 5 days before your missed period. Usually pregnancy symptoms vary but will usually arise in week 6 of pregnancy.