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well cheese balls transfer the energy while chickens transfer the nutrients and so thats the major difference

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1mo ago

Energy flow refers to the movement of energy through an ecosystem, typically in the form of sunlight being converted to chemical energy through photosynthesis and then transferred through food chains. Nutrient cycles, on the other hand, involve the recycling of essential nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus through biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem. While energy flow is unidirectional and constantly requires an input of energy, nutrient cycles are cyclic and involve the uptake, utilization, and release of nutrients by organisms within an ecosystem.

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Some chemicals that flow in cycles between the nonliving environment and living things include carbon, nitrogen, and water. These cycles help sustain life on Earth by ensuring that essential elements are continuously recycled and available for use by organisms. Examples of these cycles include the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and water cycle.

How do human activities affect a nutrient cycle?

Human activities effect a nutrient cycle by increasing the amounts of nutrients in the cycle faster then natural biotic and abiotic processes can move them back to the stores.

How does clear cutting a forest affect energy flow and nutrient cycle in an ecosystem?

Clear cutting a forest disrupts the energy flow and nutrient cycle by removing the vegetation that plays a crucial role in both processes. It can lead to soil erosion, loss of nutrients, and decrease in biodiversity. The disturbance can also impact water quality and exacerbate climate change through the release of stored carbon.

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