aba ewan .. acu naq tatanunq ee .
Rondalla music in the Philippines refers to a traditional ensemble consisting of stringed instruments such as the bandurria, laud, octavina, guitar, and bass. These instruments are played together to create harmonious melodies in various traditional Filipino songs. Rondalla music is an important part of Filipino cultural heritage and is often performed at events and celebrations to showcase the country's musical traditions.
you blow into a trumpet to make noise, and you strum a guitar make noise Answer. A guitar is a stringed instrument, and a trumpet is a brass instrument.
A whistle is a musical instrument that makes a melody to a song. A song is what comes when instruments preform a melody. A song usually has words as well.
Well, first of all the violin is a string instrument while the saxophone is a wood wind instrument because it has a reed. Second, the violin is played with a bow (arco) or sometimes plucked (pizzicato), while the saxophone is played by the player blowing air into a mouth piece. Last, the Violin is an orchestral instrument while the saxophone is a band instrument. There are many other reasons as to what makes these instruments different, but these are a start...
yes,rondalla is also called string instruments...........
the three instruments of rondalla are guitar one two three
the three instruments of rondalla are guitar one two three
The standard Filipino rondalla instruments are:
The octavina plays counter melody.
Piccolo, Banduria, Laud, Octavina, Gitara and Bajo de Arco
aba ewan .. acu naq tatanunq ee .
Dimiao Children's Rondalla was created in 1980.
JUAN SILOS, JR.. also known as the FATHER OF RONDALLA is a prominent composer and arranger who formed several Rondalla groups. ~Roxxy
It was originated in Spain.
it is more likely with the instrument kudyapi but with slight differences which is hardly notice.
The standard Filipino rondalla instruments are: