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transpiration is the evaporation of water through leaves and stem. translocation is the transport of sugars in a plant. Translocation- movement of food and nutrients in the plant Transpiration- loss of water through leaves via stomates

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Q: What are the differences between transpiration and translocation?
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Differences between translocation and transpiration?

one of them tuch them selves at night

Translocation and transpiration?

There is a direct relationship between translocation and transpiration. Translocation refers to movement of sugars which are dissolved in the phloem while transpiration refers to the process through which water is moved from the roots to the stomata through the xylem.

Plants lose water through what from their leaves?

Transpiration which is an evaporative process

What are the differences between respiration and transpiration?

Respiration happens 24/7 while transpiration only occurs when there is sunlight.

What is the differences between transpiration and guttation?

Water leaves as vapor in day time in transpiration. Salty water leaves as liquid at night in guttation

What are the differences between translocation and inversion mutations?

Translocation is when nonhomologous chromosomes exchange segments, like when chromosome 1 exchanges parts with chromosome 5. Inversion is when broken segments of the chromosome is inserted backwards.

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What three mechanisms are involved in water movements in plants?

Transpiration and root pressure are the only two I can think of.

Suppose you're looking through a microscope and you see and exchange of chromosome segments between chromosome pair 7 and chromosome pair 15 This condition is an example of?

It's a translocation, specifically a balanced translocation.

What are the differents between cuticular transpiration and stomatal transpiration?

cuticular transpiration occurs through the cuticle while the stomatal transpiration occurs through the stomata.

What is the difference between translocation and nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction is when a Chromosome is unable to separate correctly during cell devision. Translocation (In Chromosomes) is when an abnormality is caused by the rearrangement of parts between non-homologous Chromosomes.

Different between sweat and transpiration?
