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loyalist were loyal to the king and believed in the british church .patriots were more about independence andmoving on from they're contry.

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Q: What are the differences between the loyalists and the patriots?
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What were the sabotages between Loyalists and Patriots?

The patriots tarred and feathered the loyalists. They also ruined loyalist houses.

When was the war between patriots versus the loyalists?

The patriots and loyalists technically fought during the Revolutionary war. Although the war was mostly patriots vs Britain, the loyalists and patriots fought. One example Is Kings Mountain.

What is the difference between a loyalist a patriot?

who were loyalists and patriots?

Were there more loyalists or patriots in the south?

Loyalists and patriots were all Americans however, loyalists supported Brittan and patriots were all for America

What is the political difference between patriots and loyalists?

Loyalists support the leaders, patriots defend their country. During the American Revolution Loyalists supported the rule of the English King while Patriots wanted a new government for the colonies (they were not states yet).

Interaction with loyalists and patriots?

The loyalists hated the patriots because the patriots were always tarring and feathering them.

What did patriots and loyalists favor?

Loyalists remained loyal (hence their name) to the Crown.

What do patriots hate loyalists?

because the patriots think that the loyalists are traitors to the colonists

What were the different between the loyalists and the patriots?

Loyalists were those in support of the British Parliament (loyal to Britain) during the American Revolution. Patriots were in support of America's independence (rebels) and fought the British.

What were two sides that colonists had to choose between during the revolution?

loyalists and patriots

What are some similar facts between patriots and loyalists?

they both wore red

What did the patriots and loyalists?

The Loyalists wanted to be ruled by Great Britain and the Patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain.