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Besides the cost? They are formed in different ways. While both are based on carbon, coal contains many other materials. The greatest difference is the pattern in which the carbon atoms are linked in the crystal structure.

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Q: What are the differences between coal and diamond?
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What are the differences between the types of coal?

Bituminous coal is soft and burns hotter and longer. Anthracite coal is harder than Bituminous coal and is not preferred for heating.

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The differences between a diamond and a cubic zirconia necklaces are the differences in the precious rocks used. What makes the difference in the necklace are the properties of the diamond and a cubic zirconia. The diamonds is stiffer and lighter and obviously more expensive.

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i dont know ask your mommy

Is diamond and coal minerals?

Yes. Both diamond and coal are formed from carbon.

What are two differences between peat lignite bituminous coal and anthracite coal?

Well, peat is the kind that comes out of dark unicorns.

What phases does coal go through before it forms a diamond?

A diamond is not formed from coal. Diamond and coal are both allotropes of carbon, and are formed by different processes.

Why does a diamond turn into coal when it's burned?

Diamond does not turn into coal when exposed to flame.

What is the link between coal and diamond?

Coal has never been at sufficient depth and temperature to be turned into diamond. Coal is simply fossilized plant remains that are high in the element carbon, of which the mineral diamond is also composed.