in received antenna: broadside means the direction of arrival is 90 degree or wave perpendicularly impinges the array. and endfire means the wave comes from the direction along the array axis.
end fire array A combination of identical and equally spaced antenna that radiate along the axis of the axis of the antenna array is known as an end fire array. the elements are fed with a current of equal magnitude but opposite in phase.due to this variation in phase ,the radiation obtained is unidirectional. broadside array when the maximum radiation of an array is directed normal to the axis of array it is known as broadside array. in a broadside array combination a number of identical antennas are set up along a line drawn perpendicular to their respective axis.
end fire array A combination of identical and equally spaced antenna that radiate along the axis of the axis of the antenna array is known as an end fire array. the elements are fed with a current of equal magnitude but opposite in phase.due to this variation in phase ,the radiation obtained is unidirectional. broadside array when the maximum radiation of an array is directed normal to the axis of array it is known as broadside array. in a broadside array combination a number of identical antennas are set up along a line drawn perpendicular to their respective axis.
broad side array very important array in this attenna communication
by calculating the beam width of major lobe of resultant pattern of endfire shoud be sharpaen nd more directive towards axis of array.
2D array of size 2x8 and 1D array of size 16
String and array are not related to one another so they have many differences. a. A string is used to hold alpha numeric values inside it b. An Array is used to hold multiple values of any primitive data type c. A String has operations like equals, concatenate, substring etc whereas an array does not have them d. You can iterate through an array but we cannot iterate through a string.
Numeric array has numbers(+integers) that represent the values Associative array has strings that represent the values
When we declare an array of characters it has to be terminated by the NULL , but termination by NULL in case of string is automatic.
3 differences.................. 1. length wise.... 2.initialization 3. null terminated length of char array is differ from string........ initialization of string is differ from char....... and string is null terminated...........
Vectors are thread safe but array lists are not. Hence array lists are faster than Vectors.
A numericial array is an array with keys made up of only integers. An associative array is an array with keys made up of anything that is not an integer. In some languages, it is possible to mix integer keys and non-integer keys into a mixed array.
There is no inherent relationship between the two. It's possible to implement a stack using an array to store date, but that's about it.