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A vassal was a subject of a monarch who held a fief from that monarch. In other words the vassal was a lord with an estate that consisted of one or more manors. In return for the fief, the vassal had to give an oath swearing to support the monarch as needed, such as to fight for him in wars and provide soldiers from his followers.

A serf was a peasant who had no land of his own, but had a relationship with a lord that was in some respects like the relationship between the vassal and the monarch. Just as the vassal got land from the king, the serf was provided with a place to live and fields to farm, though the were not his to own. And just as the vassal supported the monarch with soldiers, the serf supported the lord with food, labor, or money for rent.

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10mo ago

A vassal is a free person who enters into a mutual agreement with a lord to provide military or other services in exchange for land, while a serf is a peasant who is bound to the land and obligated to work for a lord in exchange for protection and security. Vassals have more autonomy and legal rights compared to serfs.

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What is the relationship between a vassal and serf?

a serf helped a vassal because the serf came with the vassals land and that helped him with the land and any other needs for land he was not a slave but one step above the slave

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To work for the lord or manor and fight when there was a war. A vassal was a serf and the word "serf" is Greek for slave.

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What did the vassal owe to the serf?

breadcrumbs and chicken scraps

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a vassal or a serf google them

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the vassal has power because he is a little higher class than a serf

How do you use vassal in a sentence?

A vassal is a serf or peon. Here are some sentences.He was only the vassal of the lord of the manor.You're not the ruler; you're the vassal.She treated me like her vassal.

How is a vassal different from a serf?

A vassal was a person in a state of mutual obligation with a king, which usually gave the vassal an estate, including manors. A serf was a person in a state of mutual obligation with the lord of a manor. As such the serf was possibly a person who worked on the estate of a vassal. Please see the links below.

A peasant who is bound to the land is a fief?

A peasant who is bound to land is a serf, while a fief is an estate granted to a vassal.

What title was given to the person who asked for protection?

started as a vessel then turned into a serf