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Flute is a woodwind instrument while Trumpet is not

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Q: What are the differences between a trumpet and a flute?
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Is it easier to blow in a trumpet or a flute?

flute, you have to have your mouth a certain way for the trumpet but you only have to blow the flute

Similarity of the trumpet and flute?

The trumpet is a member of the brass family; the flute is a woodwind. A trumpet has valves, and a flute has keys. A trumpet is in the key of B flat, while a flute is a C instrument. Much about them is different, but the similarity is that they are both metallic.

What instrument is in woodwinds Trumpet or Flute?

The Flute is in the Woodwind section/family and the Trumpet is in the Brass section/family.

What instrument is in the wood winds flute or trumpet?


How are the trumpet and flute similar?

There is very little similarity between a trumpet and a flute other than that they are both musical instruments, they are both constructed of metal (but different metals), and they both use air in motion to produce sound. The trumpet, however, is usually placed with the horns, or brass instruments, while the flute is considered a woodwind. The mouthpiece of the trumpet is blown directly into, the flute is blown across. The trumpet uses valves to alter the pitch, the flute, keys. The trumpet usually starts at F# (below middle C) and has a range of 2 1/2 octaves. The flute begins at middle C with a range of 3 octaves. The trumpet uses an exponentially flared horn at the exit end to amplify sound. The flute uses no amplification system. The air channel of the trumpet is coiled, the flute, straight.

Is a flute longer than a trumpet?

the lenght of both instruments can differ, but a flute is usually longer than a trumpet

What are the differences between trumpet and trombone flip folders?

The folders are the same.

What is the difference between a trumpet and a flute?

A Flute is woodwind and is played with keys. It is in the key of C Major and creates sound by blowing through a hole. It's range is a lot higher. A Trumpet is a brass instrument and is played with piston valves. It is in the key of Bb Major and creates sound by buzzing into a mouthpiece. Its range is generally lower that the flute except for the soprano trumpet

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Flute is to Trumpet as Clarinet is to?

Tenor Saxophone

Did Athena invent the flute?

Yes and the trumpet

What are the differences between a trumpet and a guitar?

you blow into a trumpet to make noise, and you strum a guitar make noise Answer. A guitar is a stringed instrument, and a trumpet is a brass instrument.