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a state is huge where as a colony is small

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A state is a defined territory with its own government and sovereignty, while a colony is a territory controlled and governed by an external power. States have the ability to govern themselves independently, whereas colonies are subject to the rule of the controlling country.

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Q: What are the differences between a state and a colony?
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Continue Learning about Geography

What colony is valley forge located in?

Valley Forge is in Pennsylvania, but it's no longer a colony, it's a state.

The differences among the three Guianas can be explained by their varied?

The differences among the three Guianas (French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname) can be explained by their colonial histories. French Guiana is an overseas department of France, Guyana was a British colony, and Suriname was a Dutch colony. These different colonial influences have shaped each country's culture, language, and political systems. Additionally, their economic reliance on different industries, such as mining in Suriname and agriculture in Guyana, also contributes to their differences.

When a small sample of the main population settles in a location separated from the main population this can occur?

This scenario describes genetic drift, where a small subset of the population establishes a new colony in an isolated location. Over time, the frequency of certain alleles may change due to chance events, leading to genetic differences between the original population and the new colony.

What best describes a colony?

A.A constitution drafted by the Crown and implemented by a colonyB.A written agreement between the Crown and a colony that outlined the colony's basic rules of operationC.A verbal agreement between the British governor and the colonial legislators in a StateD.A document that declares the independent status of a former colony

What is the difference between a country and a colony?

the difference between a colony and a country?

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A colony refers to a puppet country that has no independence. A state refers to a country headed by the president and with independence.

What the difference between a state and a colony?

A colony refers to a puppet country that has no independence. A state refers to a country headed by the president and with independence.

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first there were 2 colonies ma bay colony for puritans and Plymouth for pilgrims then they joined into ma colony

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What are the differences between California and Oregon?

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The difference between Dominion and Colony are not as apparent as black and white. Dominion refers to a land owned by another but with a government of its own where a Colony refers to a territory that retains ties to the parent state for control and governance.