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A new culture emerged after hellenic which was hellenistic. Hellenic means "Greek", but Hellenistic means "like the Greek"

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Q: What are the differences between Hellenistic and Hellenic?
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What are the differences between Hellenistic politics and and Hellenic politics?

"Hellenistic" refers to a style of philosophy defined by its pursuit of reason and the intellect. "Hellenic" refers to a period in Greek history.

What is the difference between Hellenistic art and Hellenic art?

Hellenistic art was focused more on perfection of the human form, precision and detail. Sculptures from Hellenistic times looked more God-like than human. In contrast, Hellenic art was based on the new idea of realism. Hellenic sculptures were shaped into realistic, faulted human forms. These are the basic differences between the two types.

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Compare and Contrast Hellenic and Hellenistic philosophy?

The Hellenic philosophers (Plato, e.g.) were concerned with man's relationship to the state, the polisThe Hellenistic philosophers were concerned with man's personal life in the larger world community, the oikumene

Why were alexanders kingdoms called Hellenistic?

Hellenism/Hellenic was their word for Greek. The kingdoms which arose from Alexander's empire after his death were called Hellenistic as they were based on Greek civilisation. However this was superficial as most of the peoples in the ex-Persian territories retained their old ways - only the upper classes adopted Greek culture. So the word Hellenistic is used instead of Hellenic to indicate the partial culture 'like Hellenic'.

Why were the three kingdoms Hellenistic?

Hellenism/Hellenic was their word for Greek. The kingdoms which arose from Alexander's empire after his death were called Hellenistic as they were based on Greek civilisation. However this was superficial as most of the peoples in the ex-Persian territories retained their old ways - only the upper classes adopted Greek culture. So the word Hellenistic is used instead of Hellenic to indicate the partial culture 'like Hellenic'.

How are hellenic and Hellenistic cultures different and alike?

They were alike in that they were all heavily influenced by hundreds of years of Greek culture, art and philosophy. But Hellenic (that is, Greek) culure and Hellenistic cultures were different in that Hellenic culture kept its true, traditional forms while Hellenistic cultures in other countries were only an influence on local culture, art and philosophy but did not replace it. Each and every "Hellenistic" country was different from another by also staying faithful to much of its own traditions in philosophy and art.

What cultures blended to form the new Hellenistic Culture?

The Hellenistic Culture was influenced by Greek (Hellenic) culture blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian influences.

How did the Hellenistic culture spread?

Alexander the great's generals, after his death, divided his new found empire up amongst themselves, establishing what we today call the Hellenistic kingdoms - Hellenistic because the ruling Macedonian and Greek classes adopted Greek culture. The fact that it was partial (the lower classes continued their traditional ways) we use Hellenistic (like Hellenic) rather than Hellenic.

Is Hellenistic in The Bible?

Not as a term, the ending -"istic" is Latin aftr all, and the world Hellenistic is Frenach and German, but the Christian bible was written in the Hellenic dialect of the Hellenistic age: Koine Greek (Hellenic means Greek, in Greek: Hellenica). Koine (also spelled Coene) was the international language of the Hellenistic era. christ, and St Paul therefore do not speak of "Hellenists" but of "Hellenes" - Greeks. In the same way there are no "Americanists" today, just simply "Americans".

How did the Hellenists spread Greek cultures?

Alexander the Great's generals, after his death, divided his new found empire up amongst themselves, establishing what we today call the Hellenistic kingdoms - Hellenistic because the ruling Macedonian and Greek classes adopted Greek culture. The fact that it was partial (the lower classes continued their traditional ways) we use Hellenistic (like Hellenic) rather than Hellenic.

What is Hellenistic culture'?

Greeks call themselves Hellenes after their reputed founder Helen. Today we call the culture introduced by Alexander the great and his successors Hellenistic - it was imposed on non-Greeks of Alexander's empire. It gained traction with some of the upper classes and provided a veneer of Hellenic culture (the lower classes kept to their own culture. Hence use of the expression Hellenistic - like Hellenic.