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i have an iud for over 30 years i had an ultisound and they found it the string was not there

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Q: What are the complications of misplaced IUD?
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Related questions

What are the most common IUD complications?

There are many complications one might have when using an IUD. One such complication would be the risk for internal bleeding or discomfort at the placement.

How will you know if the copper t is in the cervix and not in the uterus?

If the IUD is misplaced in the cervix, you may have cramping, irregular bleeding, painful intercourse, or bleeding after sex. In addition, you will likely notice the strings are longer than they used to be. You may even feel a bit of the IUD protruding from the opening of the cervix.

Why is monogamy a requirement for placement of an IUD?

Monogamy is not necessarily a "requirement" for placement of an IUD. However, it is VERY highly recommended that you be in a monogamous relationship, as IUDs do not offer protection from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and complication rates increase DRAMATICALLY in the event a woman contracts an STD with an IUD in place. These complications can include pelvic inflammatory disease, scarring, and infertility to name a few. If you have an IUD and have multiple sexual partners, you will additionally need to use condoms to protect from STDs.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

Proper spelling of misplaced?

The proper spelling of misplaced is "misplaced". It means to put something in a wrong position.

How to use misplaced in a sentence?

Do not misplaced your thing

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

Can you get pregnant after having an IUD for 2 years then removed?

Yes. It is very well expected to have your protection terminated after you get the IUD removed. You can get the pregnancy in due course of time. IUD inserted by the qualified person are very safe method of contraception.

Can get trichomoniasis with iud?

You can get trichomoniasis regardless of whether you have an IUD. The IUD does not cause or prevent trich.

Can you get preganet with twins with IUD?

Yes, some women have carried a baby to full term with an IUD. The risk of complications is great, however, and so removal of the IUD is the normal course of affairs. If removal is not possible, the woman must be followed closely during her pregnancy.

What happens if you never have an IUD removed?

If you never have an IUD removed, it can potentially stay in your body indefinitely without causing harm. However, it is recommended to have it removed after its recommended lifespan to avoid any complications or issues such as pain, infection, or displacement.

What is the prefix for the word misplaced?

The prefix in the word misplaced is mis-.