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THE SIGNS BEFORE YOUR PERIOD COMING. Physical signs: breast have been growing for about 2 years a head of time, pubic hair, armpit hair, leg/arm hair, discharge: which is whitesh yellowish stuff that is gooey. This may come in your undies or it may not. Some girls only have it for a month then get their period and some have it up to three to four years and then have their period. You may have other signs to like cramping in your lower sides or backs, you may have moodiness such as being happy and excited one minute then all of a sudden your crying. It may feel like a emotional roller coaster. You may have cravings to certain foods. A lot of women crave chocolate. If you have a lot of these things happening start carrying pads or tampons with you which ever you prefer. Also you may want to wear a panty liner just in case your period does come.

IS IT YOUR PERIOD?? A lot of girls are confused at what their period will look like. Usually girls think it is going to be bright red just like blood. But that is always not the case. Your blood can be brownish all the way to light pinkish. Also you may have a heavy flow or a light flow. So be perpard.

YOU GOT YOUR FIRST PERIOD!! First of all congrats on being a women!! If your at home, school, friends house, or any other public place just calm down dont be scared or worried or freaking out. Just relax, take a couple of deep breaths. If your at school take deep breaths and camly walk to the nurses office and ask for a pad to use. If you are to nervous or scared to do that, that is understandable. just put anywhere from 16-32 toilet paper squares in your undies. If your at a friends house just either tell your friend. And see if she has any pads. Or if her mom does. Tell your mom as soon as possible. if your not close with your mom tell a older sister, grandma, or a trusted adult.

TIPS WITH TALKING TO YOUR MOM!! Again be calm and take a few breaths. Just ask your mom if you can talk to her or ask her if you and her can have a moment alone. If she says she's busy don't just leave, tell her that you really need to talk to her. (By this point she may start getting an idea of what is happening.) when you get into a quiet place or area. Take deep breaths and either say mom I have had my first period, or mom I have become a women now. After you get that over with you will probably feel much more open. She will probably talk to you and tell you stuff about it and tips/advice. Ask for pads or tampon. If she dousen't have which ever you want tampons/pads. Just head on over to a nearby drugstore or grocery store.

ONCE YOU START YOU PERIODS. Your period may be heavy or light. It may be long or short. Who knows. First periods are very irregular. You could have a 2 day period all the way up to a 12 day period. Any longer then 14 days with heavy blood flow I would ask a doctor. Your period may come one month then not come for another two

Months. Your period most likely won't get regular for about 1-two years. If you get your period one month and you don't get for 6 more months I would go to the doctors.

Good luck!! :D hope I helped!!

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