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If done and healed right it should be zero.

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Q: What are the chances of getting pregnant if the man is fixed?
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Exactly the same as a man of any other age !

Can a man and woman both in wheelchairs have a baby?

Yes, absolutely. As long as they are fertile and healthy they should have the same chances as everyone else of getting pregnant.

Can a woman get pregnant when the man and woman have fixed?

No; it would not be possible.

What if you have a late period?

then chances are u are pregnant but no too because u either lost weight or gained weight! then chances are u are pregnant but no too because u either lost weight or gained weight! well, your'e either pregnant or a man well, your'e either pregnant or a man

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Can you still get pregnant if the man has a low sperm count?

You can, even though the chances are reduced.

If a man comes in you can pee stop you from getting pregnant?


What are chances of getting pregnant if you're on the pill use condoms and spermicidal foam?

100% if you had sex a black man, then it's a 100% chance the he leaves you with the kid and never sends in child support

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you are undressed around a man who ejaculated?

If you are just in the room or bed with the man when he ejaculates the possibility of pregnancy is 0%. The only way that a pregnancy would be possible would be if he ejaculated on your vagina. Even then the likelihood is exceedingly low.

What are the chances of getting pregnant without having the man ejaculating.?

If its penetration and the man was not wearing a condom, or the woman wearing a diaphragm then the chances are very slim. Pre-cum still carries active sperm, but a very low amount. The chances are very very slim, but I can't say its impossible. Best bet to still have sex and be safe is to use protection. Condoms, diaphragms and spermicide.

Whats the chance of getting pregnant by the man with a vasectomy if you slept with a man who can definitely get you pregnant and then like a week later sleeping with someone who had a vasectomy?

you might get pregnant from sleeping with the man that could get you preggo.