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A lot of women manage to do it. However there are extra risks involved for both the woman and the child. it would be best to consult an appropriate physician on this because every person is different and therefore has different risks to deal with.

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Q: What are the chances of getting pregnant at 44 years old?
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Using a condom is a very good way to reduce the chance of getting pregnant. Make sure you know how to use it. Make sure it's used properly, and you won't get a pregnancy.

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There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

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Exactly the same as a man of any other age !

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If the 40 year old woman doesn't take precautions to stop a pregnancy and neither do you (a condom) then the chances are high that even a 16 year old boy can get a 40 year old woman pregnant. If a 40 year old woman is having a sexual relationship with a 16 year (a minor) she can be charged by law.

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Chances are child support for the first 18 years of their child's life. He is not likely to get jail or prison, as most states say 16 is legal for sex and others have exceptions for being within 3 years of age.

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None. At your age, no one will bang you, even if you paid them.

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A 20 year old women has a chance of getting pregnant in the high 80's - close to 90%. By age 40 that falls to about 40%. - so about half the chances of a 20 year old. By age 45 it is about 5%.

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well it depends if your dog was having her period and they did it right there should be a chance that the dog is pregnant if she did not have her period she will not get pregnant but if she is having her period she will not have puppies if she does not have her period and has sex she is doing it for fun but do not force it on your dog

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keep your pants on and it wont happen; 100% if you say the right things; 70 bucks a week if you're workin or not

If you are breastfeeding and have the IUD Mirena are your chances of getting pregnant lower?

Yes, if you have the Mirena IUD your chances of getting pregnancy are very low. If you are also breastfeeding exclusively and your baby is less than six months old, you are at very, very low risk of pregnancy.