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Nothing generally causes people to smoke, but it could be as someone has forced someone into doing it, or trying it out.

Unfortunatly, it then becomes a nasty habit which people are in the middle of.

But you can get help from it, just by visiting your GP or doctor, and get a smoking free package, which then helps you to quit the habit.

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13y ago
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11y ago

People smoke cigarettes primarily because nicotine, which is present in cigarettes, is a highly addictive drug. There are also separate reasons why people start smoking cigarettes in the first place, and become addicted. Many people do this precisely because they have been told not to do it, and they wish to demonstrate their independence. Since adults may smoke and children are forbidden to smoke, smoking becomes associated with maturity and adulthood. And there are lots of people who are just curious about smoking and want to find out what it is like. Once they find out what it is like, they are addicts.

The effects of cigarettes are very harmful. Smoking cigarettes is a major cause of lung cancer, emphysema, Heart disease, and other diseases. Statistically, there is a 50% probability that a cigarette smoker will eventually be killed by a disease that was caused by smoking. Even if the smoker is not killed by smoking, smokers are more likely to cough a lot and have trouble breathing. Their sense of taste is damaged by the overpowering taste of smoke. Smokers litter a lot; cigarettes are a constant source of both ashes and cigarette butts. And many fires are stated by careless smoking, particularly smoking in bed. If you fall asleep while smoking, you do not know where your lit cigarette may land. Finally, smoking cigarettes also harms the health of people who do not smoke, because the smoke that is exhaled becomes a form of air pollution that winds up being breathed by everybody.

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14y ago

The causes of smoking are:

Peer pressure


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13y ago

The nicotine in tobacco is what makes smoking very addictive.

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14y ago

Smoking can cause lung cancer and rot part of your body, so don't smoke when you grow up cause smoking is for idiots.

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15y ago

Not sure. Some guesses would be peer pressure, curiosity, and soon after that addiction to the drug Nicotine

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11y ago

First just to show off. Then nicotin is demanded by the body. Thus the urge of smoking forces a person to smoke cigarettes.

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