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If I'm correct, they are 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm, are the most commonly known ones (To CoD fans) but i have seen a 30mm and i think ether a 50mm or a 60mm. Hope that helped. :)

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Q: What are the caliber guns on an AC130?
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What does ac130 stand for?

The AC130 was a modified C130 (Hercules) cargo plane. The A stands for attack, the C stands for cargo and the 130 is the aircraft designation. The AC130 spectra or spooky was commonly refereed to as "Puff the magic dragon" There are different types of AC130's depending on what guns they carry. "Puff the Magic Dragon" carries 6 .308 caliber miniguns while the Spectres carry two miniguns 2 40mm cannons and a 80mm howitzer.

What are low caliber guns?

No such thing. You can have small caliber but not low caliber.

Can you change the caliber of your rifle?

Some guns yes, but most guns would require gunsmithing to change caliber.

What calibers are offered by air pellet guns?

Pellet guns tend to come in two standard caliber sizes. The first smaller caliber is the most common for pellets guns and is .177 caliber. The second is .22 caliber that can be found on some higher powered pellet gun models.

What caliber guns does UN use?

7.62 mm (or 30 caliber) and 5.56 mm (or 223 caliber) are common rifle cartridges. Pistols, machine guns, and artillery will of course be different from these.

What type of guns does an ac130 have?

The AC-130C130U aircraft has 25mm Gatling guns, a 40mm Bofors cannon, and a 105 mm artillery piece. Good article for you-

What is the diameter of a guns bore called?

The caliber

On ps3 on mw2 when using the ac130 how do you switch guns eg switch from the bomb to the machine gun?

you press triangle on ps3 and Y on Xbox 360 !

How do you do the infinite ammo for ac130 glitch?

the ac130 already has infinite ammo.

What is the bt4 combat paintball guns calliber?

.68. Almost all guns are this caliber.

Are 308 caliber guns more expensive than 5.56 assault rifles?

The 308 caliber guns are more expensive than 5.56 assault rifles.

How do you get the ac130 moving emblem?

You get it by using the AC130 killstreak 10 or so times.