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It's all a matter of opinion, but for more traditional tattoos, you will want to use a thick line which means that you will want to use nothing smaller than a 7RL. Having a smaller outlining needle is not really needed since there is very little emphasis on varying line value with these kinds of tattoos. For fill, you want to use judge that more so based on the size of the piece that you are doing. Once again with these tattoos, there is not a lot of emphasis on saturation of great blending, so for the more "traditional" look, a small to mid-range mag needle is the most used.

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Q: What are the best needles to use for oldschool tattoos?
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I Have Many Tattoos And The Most Common Way For A Tattoo To Get Infected Is From If The Artist Didn't Use Sterile (Clean) Needles Or You Didn't Take Care Of It Properly.

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really painful probably they use needles if you want a tattoo then just get a temporary one that comes of when you wash it off all you do is stick it on a nd you have a tattoo and tattoos are expensive

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Tattoo supplies are used to create tattoos. Tattoos can be made using a needle and ink, which is injected into the skin by pricking it with the needle. There are many different types of tattoo needles that may be used depending on the desired effect. The most common type of needle is called an autoclave machine or air-driven machine because they both use compressed air to power them. This helps provide more consistent pressure for even better results when creating tattoos.

What are the best needles to use for knitting?

For me it's the easiest to use the metal metallic straight needles but when it comes to circular needles I'd probably prefer wooden ones. Hope this helps! ---- i definitely think that bamboo are the best needles. they are light weight which is great because they don't fall and drop stitches very often and they are soft so they don't hurt your fingers when you push on the tip, also they are a little bit textured so stitches don't slip off like they do with metal needles. and as for straight or round needles if you're making something tubular like a hat, socks, mittens, round needles are easier to use, but if you're making a scarf or a bag straight needles are better. but I much prefer round needles, because you don't have to keep switching hands, you can just keep on knitting. and if you use only the knit stitch you will get a pretty stockinette stitch, but if you use only the knit stitch on straight needles you will come out with garter stitch.

What does a tattoo artist do?

Tattoo artists use professional ink and needles to create symbols, words, and pictures on peoples' bodies. The tattoos they create on the person's body are permanent unless removed by a doctor specialized in tattoo removal.

Can sewing needles be use for drug taking?

Not really. Needles used to inject drugs are hollow. Sewing needles are not.

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They are called circular needles and they are used in exactly the same way as straight needles.

Why do Samoa have tattoos?

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What tools do you use in hematology?

you use a microscope and needles.

How do tattoos use geometry?

they have shapes.