There is no 'best' diet pills, it depends very much on your personal circumstances.
No they can not make them take them because it is the women choice if she wants to go on a diet and to take the dieting pills to help.
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some of the best diet pills on the market today include such pills as Apidexin and phenphedrine but always seek your doctors advice before consuming
Anything can become an addiction. Some diet pills are not supposed to be taken for the long term. It is best to look at the label on the specific diet pill and read it very carefully.
Any type of diet pills including Ephedra can affect your future pregnancy. If you are pregnant, or considering getting pregnant, it would be best to consult a doctor for the best advice on what type of pills would be safe and acceptable to take.
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Kids can't take diet pills
No diet pills work, so therefore no diet pill is the strongest
Most all diet pills won't completely suppress your appetite. What you've got to consider when doing any diet is your what your normal caloric intake should be and try to stay below that, with or without a diet pill. I have tried a few diet pills and I think TriSlim does the best job at suppressing your appetite.
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if you need them on atkins, you're not following the diet properly, it is also the best way to become a cardiac patient.