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Some people believe (although not proven) that, if you are registered as an organ donor, if you are in an accident or an injury to where you are needed revived, doctors won't go through the extra attempts to save you.

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Q: What are the bad things about organ donations?
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Related questions

How bad or organ donations needed?

Almost anything in your body can be donated to the helping of other people.

What do wiccan believe about organ donations?

This is dependent upon the persons own perspective of organ donations.

Can you take organs from an inmate who is not a donor?

Well, there are rumours about such things in poorer countries, but generally organ donations have to be voluntarily.

Is there a fair way to handle organ donations?

The fairest way to handle organ donations if for the organ to go the person who needs it the most at the time. Wealth, power and prestige should have no bearing.

What are the most common organ donations?

Kidneys by far.

Who performs the procedures for organ donations?

Organ donations are typically performed by transplant surgeons and medical teams trained in organ procurement and transplantation. These professionals ensure that the donation process is conducted with the highest standards of care and respect for the donor and their family.

What is the phrase used for transplanted tissues?

Organ donations, not the Wurlitzer variety!

What percent of organ donations are from car accident victims?

Seventy percent 70%

How many organ donations are received per day?

19, Because of the shortage of organs. I heard that they might try to cryogenically freeze them to keep them fresh longer.

How many lives have been saved by organ donations?

many soo yeah many were saved like BILLIONS

What did St. Thomas Aquinas say about organ donation?

Thomas Aquinas lived hundreds of years before organ transplants and donations came into use. He would have known nothing about them.

What are the statistics for organ donations among various groups of cultures within the US?

I don't know much about this, but I do remember one statistic relating to ethnic groups and organ donations. I remember the article saying something like whites are more likely to donate than blacks at a percentage of 25% to 17%