it can burn things
it can burn u !
it could get on caught fire
Fire is not bad for people, only people that have a strange infatuation with fire, such as pyros. Obviously there are safety procedures one uses while working with fire. Never leave a fire untended, always put a fire out before leaving and other things such as that. But that all depends on what exactly your referring to when asking, "Why is fire bad for people?"
It means things just went from bad to worse.
If your house catches on fire the fire brigade will not put out the fire because they cant turn the solar panel off and its gay
Lightning. you can get electrified ,it can cause a fire environmental issues and stuff like that
If the thunderstorm strikes your house, it gives fire because thunderstorms is electricity.
one of 3 things bad coil, pickup, or cdi
Could be a number of things. Ignotion Coil bad,ignition switch bad?
is it OHV? a few things bad spark pulg, valves no adjusted, broken ly wheel key, bad or out of alignment magnito