That is a question with a billion answers, It depends on the culture you are in. German culture is one of casual drinking, even kids drink (I believe the drinking age in Germany is 16). In some cultures kids as young as say 8 drink, but not in the excess that Americans tend to drink, but don't worry about statistics they will only mislead if you are looking at a specific scene. Some youth drink and drink to excess, because it is taboo and they can get away with it, a youthful act of rebellion, some use drinking as an escape, and some groups think you can't party if there is no booze. Some people drink to loosen themselves up from being uptight (lowers your inhibitions), some people use booze to try and get laid. About the culture that encourages drinking, well most European cultures drinking is a way of life, not neccesarily encouraged but it is definatly a day to day thing. With advertising the way it is drinking is subliminally encouraged for anyone who can turn on a TV and see a Miller ad. Drinking is a tradition that has seeped into the culture whether you look at it micro or macro drinking is in our culture and since it is there some sides will encourage (wine connisuers, bar-hoppers, and college partiers) and others will discourage (some Christain groups (think Prohibition) . . even though Jesus turned water to wine (kind of hypocritical), but such is life, and other people who think that all drugs are evil, alleged moralist who think every drinker is a drunk, which is not the case). Its a Yin-Yang situation, some parts of culture encourge, some discourage and some it is neutral. I personally feel its neutral, just another personal choice, but I have used peer pressure to encourage drinking, because I wanted to see what a friend of mine was like drunk, ashamed to say it, but a lot is peer pressure. If you want to drink, drink .. If you don't want to, don't, but listen to yourself and don't let any culture push you along, push your own self along or else you will just become another sheep.
Some of the cultural aspects of England include tea drinking and soccer playing. English people also have music as a big part of their culture.
Georg Wedemeyer has written: 'Kneipe & politische Kultur' -- subject(s): Bars (Drinking establishments), Political culture, Social aspects of Bars (Drinking establishments)
No punishment because they encourage underage drinking.
Some aspects of culture in the Incan empire are society, language, religion, and population.
The five aspects of culture are food, language, art, religion, and tradition.
The five aspects of culture are food, language, art, religion, and tradition.
Friedrich Nietzsche actually encouraged drinking, he did not discourage it.
Cultural characteristics are the uniform aspects of a culture that help to identify the persons of that culture. These aspects can be race, ethnicity, language, and values.
they encourage it
aspects or phases of fish culture
Some aspects are unique, and some aspects are influenced by other European, and later American culture.
What aspects of culture did Nubia take from Egypt