The STAR test is changed each year so the answers change as well. The test answers and questions are very protected and when a school or teacher gets the test they have to sign a paper stating that they will not copy, print, or speak about the test questions to anyone. A teacher can be fired for doing this. Also in the instructions to schools and teachers are directions on how the test is to kept while it is given. Each day the tests are counted and the answer sheets are counted and then taken to an administrator by a teacher. He also counts the tests/answer sheets. The next morning the teacher has to sign out the test again and they are counted again. Before the test can be given the teaching staff must sit through a film on the test. One of the strange things about this test is that parents have the right to not have their child take the test, but the school can't tell them they have the right. The test, as a whole, is a poor test. It asks questions that are above grade level and learning of the student. For instance, the 5th grade test in science requires the students to know the periodic table. This is a very abstract concept for a 5th grade student and very hard to teach. The science test also gives chemical formulas for the student to tell what the formula is and this is also very abstract for a 5th grade student. The reading section in the test is so big it takes a whole day for the student to complete. About half way through the students are worn out and tired.
the answers for the yellow star quiz in superclubplus
This question answers itself. A star is a large celestrial body made of gas that emits light and the sun is an example of a star
please help me I need answers
Graffias is located approximately 530 light-years away from Earth.
Answers does not give test answers.
Test answers are off limits.
Noun: answers, test, electricity
Selling test answers and questions is illegal.
When seeking out the answers to a citizenship test online a person will not find the answers for the actual test. They may, however, find practice questions and answers to help them study for the test.
Osha 10 answers test are tests that are found at the Osha Education Center website. WikiAnswers does not give test answers.
requires answers
all the answers
looking for the answers for nims 300 test
The ICS 300 test answers are not available online. If they released the test answers to students, then the test would be pointless.