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The advantages of using a butterfly needle to draw blood are

-able to obtain specimens from infants with out having to use the heel stick method.

-able to obtain a specimen more safely from a combative patient.

-able to obtain the specimen from the back of the patient hand with a lower risk of nerve damage prevalent when using a straight needle in the back of the patients hand.

-for incredibly difficult blood draws the phlebotomist is able to get an immediate flash to let them know that they are in the vain.

the disadvantages of a butterfly needle are

-the new style push button butterflies are very sensitive and the safty may release mid-draw casing a need for a second blood draw.

-the needles are often very small greatly increasing the likeliness that the blood cells will be damaged casing the blood to hemolize or platelets clumping.

-the butterfly with tube system requires that the needle be in the arm longer because the blood flow is much slower, also requiring the tourniquet to stay on longer increasing the likeliness of abnormal results for some tests.

-if many tubes are required a second blood draw may be required because of the vacuum from the tubes being to much of a pull on the vein.

- many phlebotomist experience increased vein "rolling" and "calapsing" when useing the butterfly.

- the butterfly costs as much as 3x as much as a straight needle.


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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a butterfly needle to draw blood?
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