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Abstinence is the only way to completely stop pregnancy. Abstincence means don't do it

Educate children on how pregnancy occurs and how they can prevent it.

Open up small clinics next to high schools that provide free Birth Control pills and condoms to teens without parental consent. Having a condom in your purse does not encourage teens to have sex. It merely gives them the option to be safe when sex does occur.

Stop glamorizing teen pregnancy. Give pregnant teens no special privileges in schools. Make it uncool to be pregnant so certain teens stop getting pregnant for attention.

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Q: What are some ways to prevent teenage pregnancy?
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There are multiple ways to avoid pregnancy, communication with your partner is important. Before having sex with your partner you should use a condom, if you forgot there are multiple ways to prevent pregnancy, you should inform a doctor for options.

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i would say no. teen pregnancy has nothing to do with history at all. in all of my 15 years of learning history, never did we talk about teen pregnancy or pregnancy in general. now that would be a good topic for society today but not for history I can think of ways in which teenage pregnancy relates to history. There have been historical periods in which it was considered normal or even necessary for teenagers to become pregnant; one might investigate the reasons why teenage pregnancy has gone from being normal to being disastrous. In addition, one could investigate how the increased availability and legalization of medical abortion has changed attitudes or practices relating to teenage pregnancy.

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