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Q: What are some veggies?
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Related questions

What is the healthiest vegie?

Some of the healthiest veggies are beans and dark leafy veggies, the darker the better.

What percentage of kids like veggies?

some kids like veggies a lot. others do not. You know i agree with her.

What are some veggies that begin with q?


What is some yurok tradtion?

Fish Grain Veggies

What are some veggies that begin with the letter A?

Artichokes, asparagus

What are some veggies that start with the letter H?

· horseradish

What food do dogs not like?

onions and some other veggies.

What do apache Indian eat?

buffalo some fruits and veggies

What are some raw veggies you could snack on?

carrot celery

What are purple root veggies?

Beetroots or some species of yam.

What is heathier fruits or veggies?

Fruit is healthy on some things and Veggies are healthy on other nutrition, like fruit has plenty of vitamin C, and veggies has plenty of oxygen, so they aren't healthier they just have different nutrition benefits :)

What are some fruits or veggies that start with d?

diced onion lol