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if he is always looking at you all the time. But this is not for ever one boys that still like you


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Q: What are some signs that an ex boyfriend still likes you?
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if you still love kissing him or if you like sucking his dick

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He usually likes to be around alot of girls. And he wants to do stuff to make him seem better.

What should you do if your boyfriend doesn't seem to like you?

ask him if he still likes you and if some things wrong but don't pressure them

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Just give her some time to get over her past. She'll come around.

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ask them. if they still say no, look for signs of lying. if you really are her friend, you should understand how she reacts.

What to do if your boyfriend said that there is not future between you and you but he still being with you?

The boy friend obviously likes the sex however he wants to prepare you for when he finds some one he likes more. suggest you use him the same way.

What are some signs that a boy likes you but does not let you know?

He teases you.

You like her she likes you she has a boyfriend?

If she really likes you, she'll break up with her boyfriend if you tell her to because your sure she likes you. if she refuses to break up with him, then she likes you both. Give her some time. See how you both feel in a week.

What are some signs he still likes you even thought he has a girlfriend and he looks at you with that look when you like someone?

Ok these are some signs: 1.when he laughs at you but in a good way. 2.when he walks he looks at you 3.when he talks to you a lil bit good luck

What are some signs that a woman has never had a boyfriend?

Answer Unless she is dressed as a nun, I do not believe there would be any signs that would indicate whether a woman has ever had a boyfriend or not. And, actually, a nun could have had a boyfriend at some point before so that is really no guarantee either.