Go to sexinfo101.com. It is an excellent site with an enormous list of sex positions, as well as some articles with advice on how to improve in bed, as well as answer a bunch of questions on anything sex-related.
Coitus is the medical term for sex.
Some synonyms of reproduction are procreation, breeding, and propagation.
Of course. I would even say that some women love sex.
There is missionary sex, dogging sex, woman on to sex, shower sex... just look up sexual positions on wikipedia.com
Instead of having sex, people often masturbate. That basically means playing with their sex organs, with their hands or some object.Instead of having sex, people often masturbate. That basically means playing with their sex organs, with their hands or some object.Instead of having sex, people often masturbate. That basically means playing with their sex organs, with their hands or some object.Instead of having sex, people often masturbate. That basically means playing with their sex organs, with their hands or some object.
Some states and countries have legalized same-sex marriage. Some states and countries have banned same-sex marriage by statute and some by amending their constitutions.
having sex having sex
Most humans are interested in sex at some point in their lives.
*disease is the correct spelling. You can get it form having normal sex, anal sex and in some cases oral sex(blow jobs).
no and yes. some boys only want you for sex.[if ya'll were having sex]. and some really do have feelings for you!
Some people prefer the opposite sex; some prefer the same sex. I wouldn't worry about that.
some men don't. They want sex sex and more sex but as soon as a baby is part of it, there gone. But some men want to become fathers too.