Speaking from the West Coast of the United States, the terms "roll" and "fatty" could be used to describe a joint, though not often.
According to pop culture, the following terminology is defined as such:
A blunt is like a joint, except that it's rolled with paper infused with, or made out of, tobacco. This is a significant difference.
A spliff is often rolled just like a joint, and with the same paper (Zig-Zags for example). However, loose tobacco (either from a dissected cigarette, or purchased loose) is mixed in with the marijuana in varying ratios. This is also a significant difference.
Usually you would call a joint either a joint, or a J.
I've also heard "nail" used on a semi-regular basis. However, I'm not an expert in ambiguity, and cannot provide a thesaurus-like list of names off the top of my head. So I would suggest checking out the site that I linked below.
Some common bone joint names include the knee joint, shoulder joint, hip joint, elbow joint, and ankle joint. Joints are where two or more bones come together and allow for movement in the body.
"Patella" or "kneecap" are other names for the knee joint.
Some other names for Cocaine are: Blow, Bump, Coke
Yes, utility bills can be in joint names, meaning they are under the names of two or more individuals who share responsibility for paying them.
Some other names for green onions are scallions or spring onions.
There are nine foods listed that will help with joint and sciatic pain. Some of the names of the foods are pineapple, berries, beef, garlic, and ginger.
Butt joint Mortise and tenon Dovetail Corner joint finger joint
The two joints that make up the knee joint are the tibiofemoral joint and the patellofemoral joint.
Some other names for knights include cavaliers, chevaliers, and hidalgo.
what are some common names of magnolias in the southeast other than magnolia grandiflora
None she doesnt have ant other associated names with Pandora
Some other names for the spleen include lien, splen, and lienal organ.