omg im 17 wks pregnant and my boyfriend seems like if he is the one pregnant he takes everything so personal even the smallest thing
You shall do your pregnancy test after you have sex and get some synthoms that you're pregnant
a good guide on
1- I think some men are have thinking when they have sex in that time they will create a pain on their partner . 2- on the religion case same religions are strongly advise to do not have sex during pregnancy .
Men usually don't get pregnancy symptoms.
No they do not.
To avoid pregnancy.
it is when joey loves men!!
If you are pregnant, missing a period after having sexual intercorse shows signs of being pregnant.
wat the heck
Constipation is the same as it always is - having difficulties pooping, and very hard poop. Some women get constipated during pregnancy, some don't. Some people get it w/o being pregnant. Even men can get constipated.