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I feel that the causes of teen pregnancy would be having only one parent in that child life, peer pressure, and not having one's on mind to do what supppose to be done

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Q: What are some of the main causes of teen pregnancy?
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You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

What are the causes of teen pregnancy?

When teens do it and aren’t careful.

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Preventions For Teen PregancyBirth control or abstinence help to prevent teen pregnancy.

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The teen was being unruly in class.These teen pregnancy statistics are worryingly high.

How is teen pregnancy similar to adult pregnancy?

The main biological process is fairly similar between the two. There are some miniscule differences though, if I'm nog mistaken. It's only society that makes a distinction between them.

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Unprotected sex, lack of sexual education, no access to contraceptives.

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Teen Pregnancy

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Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

What is the teen pregnancy rate?

The teen pregnancy rate for the U.S.A is 22 pregnancies out of every 1,000 girls.