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Girls up to the age of 16 can miss periods and it's normal. Stress. Birth Control. Cervical cancer. Infections. Pregnancy.
Can be so many things. Of course pregnancy, but also stress, new medications you may be taking, drop in weight/not having a certain amount of body fat, certain types of birth control pills(especially if you change brands, missed a pill, etc)., illness. . . I know there are more. If you are concerned that you may be pregnany, there are many OTC tests that can be used soon after you think you are late. Hope this helps!
Being pregnant is the most common, but in when you first have your period it can be irregular because your body is trying to get in a regular pattern of releasing eggs. Lack of food or being sick can also sometimes cause missing periods.

There are many reasons:

  • Pregnancy (if you are sexually active)
  • Stress
  • High level of exercise (professional athletes have been known to miss their period)
  • Dietary changes (malnutrition, anorexia, bulimia)
  • Hormonal changes due to medication or physical conditions or illnesses (menopause etc)
  • If you are in the early stages of puberty the period can skip a month

If you are unsure, please consult a health professional.
Worrying too much and stress

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Q: What are some of the causes for missing your period?
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What causes the pregnancy test to be negative while missing the period?

Possibly the pregnancy test is ineffective. Try another one.

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Morning sickness. Missing a period. bigger belly. appetites

Can you have your period but not bleed and you are for sure NOT pregnant?

It is quite common to miss a period and there can be a lot of different reasons for it. Although pregnancy is probably the most common cause of missing a period, there are lots of other causes as well. Some common causes are: Stress, losing or putting on a lot of weight or anything which will cause hormonal changes. However, there are occasionally other more serious causes for a missed period such as STIs or polycystic ovaries syndrome so it is worth getting checked out if none of the other causes such as stress relate to you. If you miss more than one period then you should definitely see your GP.

How long does it take for your period to return after missing a pill?

Your period should not be delayed from missing a single pill.

What causes missing periods?

Being pregnant is the most common, but in when you first have your period it can be irregular because your body is trying to get in a regular pattern of releasing eggs. Lack of food or being sick can also sometimes cause missing periods.

Are pregnancy signs same as period signs?

yes there are some signs that are the same a period signs but the realy tell tale signs are. -missing out a period -breast suddenly growing

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missing teeth

What causes no period for months?

if you are pregnant it can cause you to miss some periods

What causes skinless patch and redness on guinea pig?

Well some guinea pigs have some skin missing in some spots, it is part of their nature!

Is missing a period bad?


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Why did you skip your period?

The most common cause of missing a period is pregnancy.