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The only get well soon joke is this. I hope you FELL better!! It's not the best joke on earth, but it's a joke...

A doctor comes into the hospital room and says "I've got good news and bad news"

The patient says "What's the good news?"

"They're going to name a disease after you!"

How many doctors does it take to change a light bulb? That depends on whether the light bulb has health insurance!

A Short History of Medicine:

"Doctor I have an ear-ache"

2000 BC - "Here, eat this root."

1000 BC - "That root is heathen - say this prayer."

1850 AD - "That prayer is superstition - drink this potion."

1940 AD - "That potion is quack medicine - take this pill."

1985 AD - "That pill is ineffective - take this antibiotic."

2000 AD - "That antibiotic is artificial - eat this root."

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Find Yo Mamma jokes on Youtube.

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There are many companies that provide the ability of sending jokes via SMS, however they are subject to location. Some well known companies include LovelySMS, JokeAndSMS and FunSMS.

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Some of the Joke resources for jokes of the day are that people submit different jokes, and then they are voted on to see which ones are the best ones.

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Inside jokes are personal jokes between friends that only those people can understand.

What are some good violation jokes?

Since jokes are subjective and jokes only if you think they are, I can only provide what amuses me: The joke's on you.