

Best Answer

Drug slaves/ Drug Trafficking

Sex slaves

Human Trafficking

Child slaves

Debt slaves

Cheap labour

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Q: What are some example of modern slavery?
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Related questions

Where in Europe is modern slavery most common?

Modern slavery is still present throughout the world. In Europe, it is most common in Eastern Europe, for example, in Russia. It is known as human trafficking.

What are some companies that use modern day slavery?

Some Black People...

Is there still slavery in some parts of the world?

Very few places still have slavery like for example Egypt and china.......

Where online can one learn about modern day slavery?

One can learn about modern day slavery online on websites such as Slavery Footprint. Other sources online would be news sites and their articles regarding modern day slavery.

What punishments does modern slavery involve?

the punishments in modern slavery are: whipped,toes chopped off and murdered!!

Does Canada impact modern slavery?

No! WE don't impact modern slavery. We aren't much different that Americans except we have more rednecks.

Slavery is an example of?

cruelty? There was nothing good about slavery.

Did Jews have anything to do with modern slavery?

Not at all.

Where does slavery exist in the modern world?

Only in China

Does slavery exist in the modern world?

Yes, sadly, it does.

What is a form of modern slavery?

A modern form of slavery is restave and another is trafficking.

What kind of slavery involved working off debt?

Debt bondage is a form of modern day slavery.